Design for Elm Publication
A path to Heaven written by Mario Vargas Llosa, is a glorious novel about Paul Gauguin the famous artist. To design the book cover, one of his self-portraits was used. As the publisher stated the book cover had a good impact on the book sale. In my idea the success of the book cover design is not only the professional portrait combination, but also in Gauguin special vision.
The other book is Faith and Modernity. It contains different debates of philosophers about the role of modernity in traditional communities. This book is an example of Mesh-studio’s cooperation with Elm Publications.
Book Cover

Satan in Sufism is a very strange book. The writer has searched for Satan’s trace in history, religion, oral texts, Quranic narrations and interpretations, and eventually entered the realm of Sufism and described some signs of this concept in the Sufis’ world. I made some research and I finally reached an image of eclipse. An eclipse with Satan’s eye in the middle. A sort of Kufi calligraphy was used that I think is completely compatible with the topic and imaging.